My dog Ziva as a pup!
As a normal part of the full groom routine i clean the Ears, Eyes and teeth and check for infection, lice, loose or inflamed teeth and foreign bodies.
However i only clean the teeth to a certain extent, i use a mint toothpaste that the dog can manipulate around its mouth with its tongue and it will clean without brushing or if the dog is willing and the teeth are healthy enough i will manually brush them with a soft toothbrush, i cannot descale teeth that are beyond my ability and will advise veterinary care if this is the case.
I do externally express Anal glands if they need to be done and are straight forward to do, any sign of impaction or unusual discharge and i will advise veterinary advice.
My number one priority is the health and wellbeing of your dog and i will inform you of anything i find that may be of concern to the health of your dog.
Tasp one of my customers dogs.
My dogs Llyn and Zip in their younger years!
This is Tess, a rescue dog i have recently adopted.
Every full groom consists of a lovely warm shower, and the best shampoos, i have a shampoo with Argan oil which softens the coat and gives it a subtle fragrance, if your dog suffers with a skin allergy which you find particularly with Westies and Shih tzu's i have a tea tree shampoo that calms and cools the skin to help stop irritation and also i have a flea and tick shampoo in case i find any nasty blighters lurking in their coat!.
I also use an Argan oil condition that moisturises the skin and leaves the coat lovely and soft and makes brushing between grooms easier.
I can also use any products you provide, wether its medicated or you just prefer the fragrance.